At ZECHA, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive innovation and excellence. Our extensive network of partnerships spans ownership, sales, distribution, and memberships in industry organizations. These strategic alliances enable us to deliver superior products and services, leveraging the strengths and expertise of our partners. By working closely with leading companies and organizations, we continuously enhance our capabilities and expand our reach, ensuring that our customers receive the best solutions for their machining needs. Explore our partnerships to learn more about the collaborative efforts that help ZECHA stay at the forefront of precision tooling.


ZECHA Precision Tools

Mumbai/Aurangabad, India

ZECHA Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrikation GmbH, based in Königsbach-Stein, Germany, has been a leader in precision tool manufacturing since 1964. Committed to innovation and excellence, ZECHA continually seeks to expand its global reach and enhance its product offerings. In 1999, ZECHA invested in the Indian company Dagger Master Tools Limited, which laid the foundation for a long-term collaboration. In 2019, this partnership culminated in the rebranding of the company to ZECHA Precision Tools Ltd., based in Aurangabad/Mumbai, India. This strategic partnership enables ZECHA to leverage local expertise and resources, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, precision tools to customers worldwide. Together, these affiliations strengthen ZECHA’s position as a trusted partner in precision tooling across diverse industries.


Berlin, Germany

The partnership between ZECHA and AlienTools began as a new brand aimed at entering the dental market. However, its success has led to an expansion of their tooling offerings into industrial applications. AlienTools now plays a crucial role in ZECHA’s long-term goals, providing a comprehensive sales platform that caters to both dental and industrial customers. This collaboration combines ZECHA’s expertise in precision tooling with AlienTools’ market knowledge, ensuring that professionals across various industries receive cutting-edge products designed to meet their specific needs. Together, ZECHA and AlienTools are committed to advancing milling technology and providing superior solutions for a wide range of applications.

MPK Special Tools

Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany

ZECHA’s ownership in MPK Special Tools enhances our ability to provide custom tooling solutions across a wide variety of fields. MPK Special Tools specializes in the design and manufacture of bespoke tools tailored to meet the unique requirements of different industries. This partnership allows ZECHA to leverage MPK’s expertise in creating highly specialized and precise tools, ensuring that our customers receive the most effective and efficient solutions for their specific applications. From automotive to aerospace, and beyond, ZECHA and MPK Special Tools collaborate to deliver exceptional custom tooling solutions that drive innovation and excellence in machining.


Mattighofen, Austria

ZECHA’s ownership in CIMTRODE integrates seamlessly into the ZECHA family, strengthening our commitment to precision and quality control. CIMTRODE specializes in advanced measurement and inspection technologies, providing critical support in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our tools. This partnership allows ZECHA to utilize CIMTRODE’s cutting-edge solutions for precise tool measurement and quality assurance, enhancing our manufacturing processes and product offerings. By incorporating CIMTRODE’s expertise, ZECHA continues to uphold the highest standards of precision tooling, delivering superior products that meet the exacting demands of our customers.



Moutier, Switzerland

ZECHA’s sales partnership with Alfatool in Switzerland allows us to offer a complementary selection of tools not covered by the ZECHA portfolio, specifically for our customers in Germany. Alfatool’s extensive range of high-quality tools enhances our product offerings, ensuring that our clients have access to a comprehensive array of solutions for their machining needs. This collaboration enables ZECHA to provide a broader spectrum of tooling options, delivering greater value and versatility to our customers. Together with Alfatool, we are committed to meeting the diverse requirements of the German market with exceptional precision and quality.


Wien, Österreich

WEDCO Tool Competence, with around 150 employees, is one of the leading Austrian manufacturers of solid carbide precision tools for the machining industry, producing over 50,000 tools monthly at its plant in Vienna for worldwide distribution. As part of a network of internationally successful companies, Wedco offers its customers nearly 100% coverage of needs in the machining industry. The company was founded in 1991 by Mr. Edip Bayizit as a trading company.